Moscow State University:
Moscow State University was initially known as Lomonosov Moscow State University. It was established in 1755. Moscow State University is a public university. It has been ranked as number 1 university in Russia. It is located in Moscow, Russia. The number of students studying here is 47 thousand.
- Engineering
- Mechanics and mathematics
- Physics
- Biology
- Medicine
- Business Administration
- Applied Sciences
Tuition fee:
The international tuition fee for non – Russian students is given in the link visit http://www.cie.ru/eng_progr
Saint Petersburg State University:
Saint Petersburg State University has been ranked as number 2nd top university in Russia. It is located in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It was established in 1724. It is one of the top Russian universities. Saint Petersburg State University has 22 faculties and 13 institutions for research. This university is known for providing the best quality of education.
- Applied Mathematics and control processes
- Arts
- Soil studies
- International relations
- Postgraduate business courses
- Medicine
- Applied sciences
Tuition fee:
The international tuition fee for non – Russian students at this university is RUR 365000 per year. For details visit http://www.gsom.spbu.ru/en/graduate/candidates/tuition/
National Research University – Higher School of Economics:
National Research University – Higher School of Economics is the number 3rd top university present in Russia. It is located in Moscow, Russia. The other campuses are in Saint Petersburg, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod. The number of students studying here is 17,717. This university is also included among the other top universities across the globe. The university has 24 different faculties.
- Economics
- International Affairs
- Sociology
- Business
- Applied Sciences
- Many other undergraduate and postgraduate courses
Tuition fee:
The international tuition fee for various departments and campuses of this university is given in the link, visit http://www.hse.ru/international/
Novosibirsk State University:
Novosibirsk State University is one of the top and best universities in Russia. It is located in Novosibirsk, Russia. It was established in 1959 as a public university. According to the ranking the university has been ranked as number 3rd best university in Russia. The number of students studying here is 5,200.
- Mechanics
- Physics
- Natural sciences
- Geology
- Languages
- Journalism
- Engineering
- Medical science
Tuition fee:
The international tuition fee for bachelor program is $3000 per year and for engineering degree is $3000 per year. For details visit http://www.inter.nstu.ru/about.html
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University:
Saint Peters burg State Polytechnic University was established in 1899 as a public centre of national research. It is located in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It is one of the top class universities in Russia. The number of students studying here is 30,197. Out of them the number of international students id 2,916.
- Physics and mechanics
- Radio – physical sciences
- Engineering
- Physical sciences
- Technology
- Medical sciences
Tuition fees:
The international tuition fee at this university including all accommodation and meal charges is $20,096.88 per year. For details visit http://www.highpoint.edu/studyabroad/full-semester-programs/saint-petersburg-state-polytechnic-university/
National Research Nuclear University:
National Research Nuclear University is one of the biggest centers of physics present in Russia. It was established in 1942. It is a state university. The university has the biggest research centers. National Research Nuclear University consists of six departments. It is located in Moscow, Russia.
- High technology physics
- Theoretical physics
- Cybernetics
- Automatics
Tuition fee:
The international undergraduate tuition fee is from $3000 – $5000 per year. The tuition fee for graduate programs is from $2000 – $3000 per year. For details visit http://www.myuniversityeducation.com/world-universities/Europe/russia/moscow-engineering-physics-institute-national-research-nuclear-university.html
South Federal University:
This university has been ranked as number 7th top university in Russia. Southern Federal University is one of the affordable universities present in Russia. It is located in Rostov Oblast, Russia. It was established in 1915 as a public university. The other campuses of South Federal University are in Rostov – on – Don and in Taganrog.
- Engineering
- Applied Sciences
- Culture
- Linguistics
- Pedagogy
- Other undergraduate and postgraduate subjects
Tuition fee:
The international tuition fee for undergraduate courses in Russian language is from RUR 90000 – RUR 100, 000 per year. In English language the tuition fee is from RUR 110000 to RUR 125000 per year. For details visit http://en.russia.edu.ru/vuz/1797/
Altai State University:
Altai State University is one of the top universities in Russia. It was established in 1973. Altai State University is a public university. It is located in Barnaul, Russia. There are about 18,500 undergraduate students studying here. The number of postgraduate students studying here is 350. A large number of programs are offered here at lower cost.
- Biology
- Engineering
- Geography
- Arts
- Management
- Other arts subjects
Tuition fee:
For details regarding international tuition fee structure is given in the following link. Visit http://www.asu.ru/en/admission/
Tomsk Polytechnic University:
Tomsk Polytechnic University is one of the affordable universities present in Russia. It was established in 1896. It is located in Tomsk, Russia. There are a large number of undergraduate and postgraduate medical programs available here.
- Engineering
- Medicine
- Dentistry
- Business Administration
- Applied Sciences
Tuition fee:
The international tuition fee for undergraduate courses is from 2400 euro to 3600 euro. The international tuition fee for masters in Russian language is from 2000 euro to 3300 euro. For details visit the link http://iie.tpu.ru/en/2_fees.php
Moscow Institute of Physics and technology:
Established in 1946, Moscow Institute of Physics and technology is one of the leading institutes in Russia. It is located in Moscow, Russia. It is a public university. It has been ranked as number 10th top university in Russia. Medium of instruction is Russian.
- Applied Physics
- Space research
- Molecular physics
- Aeromechanics
Tuition fee:
The tuition fee for bachelor’s and master’s programs is RUR 170000 per year. For details visit http://mipt.ru/en/edu/abitur/admission/payment_det/fee.html