21 Tips to memorize faster

By | November 8, 2021

1. Write it down: get written copies of the material you want to learn.

2. Create mind maps: use visual images and colors to make the content interesting and memorable.

3. Use flash cards: set out a question and answer format (Q&A) using flash cards.

4. Study with a partner: two heads are better than one.

5. Create a song or rhyme: use the rhythm and rhyme of words to memorize faster.

6. Use memory tools: create mnemonics, mind maps, flash cards, study chimes and other tools to make learning easier and faster.

7. Associate: connect new ideas with things you already know to find meaning and help memorize faster.

8. Teach someone else: teach others what you are trying to learn and practice speaking the information aloud to improve your confidence and ability to recall the material at a moment’s notice.

9. Practice, practice, practice: repetition is key so find ways to revise the information you want to memorize.

10. Apply what you learn: use your knowledge or skills to help further shape your memory of it.

11. Take breaks: short bursts of study are better than marathon sessions so take regular breaks when studying large chunks of material.

12. Sleep on it: get a good night’s sleep and let your subconscious mind work on memorizing the information you want to learn.

13. Use key words: use keywords, acronyms and numbers as triggers for memories of larger pieces of information.

14. Associate 10 percent: create visual and mental associations that represent 10% of the information you want to memorize and then focus on linking those associations to the larger set of information.

15. Train yourself: train your memory by playing games that test your recall abilities.

16. Use emotional enhancement: evoke strong emotions such as happiness, sadness and disgust by imagining situations that trigger these emotions and then link this emotional state with what you want to memorize.

17. Teach a robot: create a brain-like “robot” that can answer questions about your new information and test it as you go along to improve the flow of the memory.

18. Create diagrams: arrange new information into an easy-to-grasp diagram or some other structure to make it easier to memorize and recall later on.

19. Use memory mnemonics: create acronyms, rhymes and other types of mnemonics to help you remember new information that would not normally be memorable.

20. Practice recall: train yourself to answer questions or recite the information you want to memorize by asking yourself questions about it out loud and writing your responses down.

21. Focus on the meaning: focus on the meaning behind what you have to memorize and link it with previous knowledge or experience to create a stronger memory of it.


Memory techniques help us remember information by associating them with other things we already know, making mental connections and teaching our brains to recall this information when we need it.

To memorize new information, try the following: write it down, create mind maps and flash cards, study with a partner or do it yourself, make a song or rhyme out of the material you need to learn, use memory tools like mnemonics and acronyms to help link your newfound knowledge with existing memory, make associations with what you want to memorize and other things you already know, practice what you learn and revise it as you go along, take breaks every 30 minutes of so when studying large chunks of information, sleep on it overnight and let your subconscious mind work on memorizing the information for you; use emotional enhancement by imagining scenes that evoke strong emotions and link this emotional state to what you want to memorize, teach a robot about the information and test it as you go along, use diagrams or other structures to break down your material into easier-to-grasp bits, focus on the meaning behind what you have to learn and link it with previous knowledge or experiences you already know.

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