10 USA Universities with the Most International Students

By | April 6, 2013

USA-MapStudying abroad is one of the hottest trends prevailing. Students from all over the world and especially in Middle East and Asian continent have the desire to study in the places like UK and US. Therefore, the number of enrollments of international students has been increasing in international institutes. After all, everyone wishes to be on a wonderful platform which can actually provide them future stability, and a way through which aims can be achieved.

The lifestyle and studying in UK may not be affordable for all; therefore, many intend to stick to US studies. United States has a number of great advantages in terms of cheaper living, good part time jobs and great scholarship and grants for all the international students. The statistics have shown during the year just ended, 2012 the American universities enrolled around 764,000 international students from the entire globe. This increase in the number of students is around 5.7 percent more than the enrollments in the year of 2011. There is around 21 million population attending all the US universities and schools, and around 20 percent makes the population of international students.


If you are intending to pursue your future studies in Us, the following information would be a help piece of advice for you.

Preferable States by the international students:

Most of the foreigners adore California because of its excellent studies and lifestyle. Other than that, nine more states are mentioned which can prove out to be good in case you are intending to live there and continue your studies:

  1. California
  2. Ohio
  3. New York
  4. Texas
  5. Michigan
  6. Florida
  7. Illinois
  8. Indiana
  9. Massachusetts
  10. Pennsylvania

Renowned US universities:

Most of the international students share the same mindset. They intend to take admissions in the universities which are either located in the Midwest or the coasts. Listed are the universities which have the highest number of international enrollments;

1. Southern California University: it has almost 9300 international enrollments
2. University of Illinois: enrollments here is around 8990
3. University of New York: it has 8660 international students
4. Purdue University: number of international students is around 8,560
5. Columbia University: the population of international students is 8,024
6. University of California, Los Angeles: it has a number of 6,703 foreigners
7. Northeastern University: international student enrollment is around 6,486
8. University of Michigan: it has a number of 6,382 international students
9. Michigan State University: enrollments here is around 6,209
10. Ohio State University: it has 6,142 international students

All the mentioned universities are the best and students actually die to get into them. It’s honor for a student of hold degree or diploma from such a brand name which actually provides a spark in the resume as well as the personality. For precise and accurate information about the tuition fees and other express you can check out the websites and other educational forums. Also, YouTube can be of good help for such information.