Academy of Art University:
Academy of Art University is located in United States. It was established in 1929 as a for profit university. This university specializes in liberal arts, arts, designs and architecture.
Rate of Acceptance: 100%
Tuition fee: the details regarding the international tuition fee is given in the link, visit http://www.academyart.edu/admissions/tuition_rates.html
Boston Architectural College:
Boston Architectural University is located in Boston, United States. It was established in 1889 as an art university. Boston Architectural College specializes in subjects related to arts and architecture.
Rate of acceptance: 100%
Tuition fee: The international tuition fee here is from $8,986 to $11,331 per credit. For details, visit http://www.the-bac.edu/admissions-and-financial-aid/tuition-and-fees
Chancellor University:
Chancellor University is one of those universities in United States of America that have highest rate of acceptance. It was established in 1848 as a private institute. It is located in Cleveland, Ohio, United States. This university is specializing in technology and management sciences.
Acceptance Rate: 100%
Tuition fee: All the details for the fee structure at Chancellor University are given in the link, visit http://www.chancelloru.edu/tuition-fees.aspx
Everglades University:
Everglades University was established in 1998 as a private university. The campus is small and is located in Florida, United States. Everglades University specializes in courses related to engineering and other management studies.
Acceptance Rate: 86%
Tuition fee: Details for international fee structure at Everglades University are given in the link, visit http://www.evergladesuniversity.edu/pdf/Fee%20Policy%20and%20Total%20Program%20Costs%208.29.pdf
Fisk University:
Fisk University is another university located in United States of America. It was established in 1866. It is located in Nashville, Tennessee, United States. This university is offering subjects related to almost all fields of education.
Acceptance Rate: 98%
Tuition fee: For gaining details regarding international fee structure, they are given in the link, visit http://www.fisk.edu/financial-aid/tuition-and-fees-2013-2014
Missouri Western State University:
Missouri Western State University was established in 1915 as a public university. It has the highest rate of acceptance. Missouri Western State University is located in Missouri, United States. This university is dealing with courses related to health sciences, technology and management skills.
Acceptance Rate: 100%
Tuition fee: The fee structure for international students is given in the link, visit http://www.missouriwestern.edu/admissions/cost-tuition-and-fees.asp
New Mexico Highlands University:
New Mexico Highlands University is located in Las Vegas, United States. New Mexico Highlands University is a public university. It was established in 1893. It has the highest rate of acceptance.
Acceptance rate: 98%
Tuition fee: The fee details for non residents are given in the link, visit http://www.nmhu.edu/Registrar/tuiton_offcampus.aspx
Pikeville University:
Pikeville University was established in 1889 as a private institute. It is one of those American universities that have highest acceptance rate. This university is offering courses related to liberal arts.
Acceptance rate: 90%
Tuition fee: The international full time tuition fee at University of Pikeville is $17,750 per year. For details visit http://www.upike.edu/Admissions/Financial-Aid/cost
Utah Valley University:
Utah Valley University is a public university. It was established in 1941. Utah Valley is present in Orem, United States. It is one of those universities that have highest rate of acceptance.
Acceptance Rate: 100%
Tuition fee: The details regarding fee structure for international students at Utah Valley University are given in the list, visit http://www.uvu.edu/tuition/
Weber State University:
Weber State University was established in 1889 as a public university. It is located in Weber County, Utah, United States.
Acceptance rate: 100%
Tuition fee: The details regarding fee structure for international students are given in the link, visit http://www.weber.edu/automotive/dropdowns/tuition.html