Studying In Austria

By | May 11, 2014
Flag of Austria

Flag of Austria

Austria is one of the richest country in the world with high standard of living and with a strong economy.If you are on a tight budget and would like to get cheap but quality education then look no further as Universities in Austria are very affordable most universes will charge you only € 381.36 ($524.22) per semester if you are from the list of following countries.

Albania Macedonia
Algeria Marshall Islands
Armenia Micronesia – Federated States of
Azerbaijan Moldova
Belarus Mongolia
Belize Montenegro
Bolivia Morocco
Bosnia and Herzegovina Namibia
Cameroon Nicaragua
China Nigeria
Colombia Niue
Congo Pakistan
Costa Rica Palestinian Territories
Côte d‘Ivoire Papua-Neuguinea
Cuba Paraguay
Dominican Republic Peru
Ecuador Philippines
Egypt Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
El Salvador Serbia
Fiji South Africa
Georgia Sri Lanka
Ghana Suriname
Guteamala Swaziland
Guyana Syria – Arabian Republic of
Honduras Thailand
India Taiwan
Indonesia Tajikistan
Iraq Tokelau
Iran – Islamic Republic of Tonga
Jamaica Tunesia
Jordania Turkmenistan
Kazakhstan Ukraine
Kenia Uzbekistan
Korea – People’s Democratic Republic of Vietnam
Kosovo Wallis and Futuna
Kyrgistan Zimbabwe


If you are from a developed country that is not in the above list then you will have to pay € 744.72 per semester.

Apart from very low tuition fee you are also allowed to work in Austria while studying there but if you don’t know how to speak German language than you might find it difficult to find your program of interest in English language.There are some degree Programs that are offered completely in English but these programs are limited.

Most Bachelor programmes comprise of six semesters (3 years) that leads to a Bachelor’s degree.

One of the cheapest university in the capital is International University Of Vienna that is offering bachelors of English and American Studies program completely in English.

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