5 Universities in Canada With Highest Number of Females Per Each Male Student

By | September 26, 2013
  1. Mount Saint Vincent University:

    Mount Saint Vincent University

    Mount Saint Vincent University

Mount Saint Vincent University is located in Halifax, Canada. It was established in 1873 as a public university. This university is specializing in liberal arts. This is one of those Canadian universities with a higher percentage of women as compared to men. It has been ranked among the good reputed universities in Canada. The number of students studying here is 3,959 out of them most are women. It is female dominant university.


Following are the courses offered at MountSaint VincentUniversity

  • Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Liberal arts
  • Architecture
  • Education

Tuition fee:

The international tuition fee details at MountSaint Vincent University are given in the link, visit http://www.msvu.ca/en/home/beamountstudent/money/tuitionandotherfees/tuitionotherfees/default.aspx

  1. NSCAD University:

    NSCAD University

    NSCAD University

It is also known as Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. It is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. It was established in 1887 with the name of Victoria School of Art and Design. Gradually its name changed. This university has 74% of women which is higher than men. The percentage of female students is greater in this university.


Following are the courses available at NSCADUniversity

  • Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Art
  • Designs

Tuition fee:

All the details regarding international fee structure at NSCAD University are given in the link, visit http://nscad.ca/site-nscad/media/nscad/2013F%20and%202014W%20tuition%20and%20fees.pdf

  1. Université du Québec en Outaouais:

    Université du Québec en Outaouais

    Université du Québec en Outaouais

Université du Québec en Outaouais is one of those Canadian universities with a big percentage of women as compared to men. It was established in 1981 as a public university. It is located in Gatineau, Canada. This university is offering above 100 bachelor degrees. Various international scholarships are available here. The percentage of female students studying here is 71%.


Following are the courses available here

  • Liberal arts
  • Engineering
  • Medicine and health sciences
  • Business Administration

Tuition fee:

The details regarding the fee structure for international students at this university are given in the link, visit http://uqo.ca/international

  1. Ontario College of Art and Design:

    Ontario College of Art and Design

    Ontario College of Art and Design

Ontario College of Art and Design is one of the universities in Canada that have more women as compared to men. It was established in 1876. It is located in Ontario, Canada. Ontario College of Art and Design specializes more in subjects related to designs, art and architecture. The women percentage here in this university is 69%.


Following are the courses available at OCADUniversity

  • Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Art
  • Applied Sciences
  • Designs etc

Tuition fee:

The international tuition fee at OCAD University is from $1,622.12 to $22,135.50 per credit including all other costs. For details visit http://www.ocadu.ca/Assets/pdf_media/Finance/2012+2013+FW+UG+INT+TUITION.pdf

  1. Nippissing University:

    Nippissing University

    Nippissing University

Nippissing University is located in North Bay, Canada. It was established in 1909 as a public university. It is one of the largest universities in North Bay, Canada. The percentage of female students studying here is 68%, rest others are men. Nippissing University is famous for its liberal arts and other art subjects. The courses available here are of high quality.


Following are the courses available at NippissingUniversity

  • Arts
  • Media designs
  • Architecture
  • Engineering
  • Business studies

Tuition fee:

The international tuition fee at Nippissing University is from $10,930.10 to $19,504.35 per the number of credits taken. For details, visit http://www.nipissingu.ca/departments/student-financial-services/fees-and-payments/Pages/International-Undergraduate-Tuition.aspx

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