When choosing your ideal study spot- money is often a major consideration and for many, an obstacle that impedes free-will decision making. Getting a loan to get into your first choice is rather an easy option but the hard part comes later when one has to repay those loans and that too in this economic crunch. Therefore, a university which offers some relaxation in the money department is always welcomed and sought after. Tuition fees make a large chunk of the total expenses apart from living, dining and miscellaneous expenses incurred and if these are moderate or loosely put “cheap” then life can become much easier.
Canada attracts many students for a variety of reasons, one being its ability to provide students with fairly economically prized studies that won’t make their hair turn grey by the time they reach 30. Remember that cheap education doesn’t equate to quality education but most public Canadian universities are able to provide consistent quality education. The financial aid programs provided by major Canadian universities also, make them pretty student friendly such as financial grants and scholarships. Having said this, Canadian nationality holders have an easier deal because they get considerably more benefits in comparison to international students. That is why all tuition fee breakdowns are according to residency status
The following are 5 universities located in Canada that go easy on your pocket:
Brandon University:
Brandon University or in short BU is located in Manitoba’s second largest city, and is known for its environment of hospitality and friendliness. BU offers a wide range of undergraduate degrees in social science and professional programs, interdisciplinary studies and performance through its Faculties of Arts, Schooling, Health St, Studies science and School of Music. It is further expanding into other areas of education and such as nursing. The salient points of its features are an integrated student population, small class sizes and accessible faculty. The Canadian student fees of 2012-13 for undergraduate tuition fees are $3,110 and Graduate tuition fees are $4,954.
Memorial University:
initially started as memorial University College is 1925 and was elevated to university status in 1949 is best known for marine education and applied research. It also has more than 450 distance education centers all around the world which enables a more holistic learning experience. Tuition fees for an undergraduate degree program at Memorial University, for two semesters is $2,550 (for Canadian students) and $8,800 (for International students). The city boasts one of the lowest cost of living and the provincial government also, offers many plans to subsidize tuition making it a feasible choice for all students.
Kwantlen polytechnic University:
Kwantlen polytechnic Universityor in short KPU dates back to the 1981’s, supporting 4 campuses to date and offering bachelor’s degrees, associate degree, diplomas, certificates and citations in more than 200 programs. Its unique features lie in its ability to provide a supportive learning environment, through flexibility and interaction. Tuition fees for undergraduate programs cost about $126.00 per credit and for international students $500.00 per credit.
Haskell Indian National University
This university has come a long way from the 1884 roots where shoe-making and homemaking were taught now more than 1000 students enroll every semester and success in athletics had tripled.
McGill University:
celebrating 190 years of excellence, attracting thousands from all over the world and located in the heart of Montreal-McGill has certainly carved a niche for itself amongst the top universities of the world. Providing tons of services as gratis plus encouraging students to apply for their numerous scholarships, the place does its homework. The typical annual fees based on 30 credits this fall/ winter would cost a hefty $14,561.90 for international students pursuing a undergraduate degree, while for the residents the cost dramatically decreases to $2,167.80 annually.
Note: The Tuition Fees and other costs mentioned in this article are subject to change without prior notice by the respective universities.